Ver 3.00 (Main/Server & Point of Sale) 25-09-2019 =================================================== 1. Customer points option added. a. Item wise points in Add/Edit Grocery items. b. Item wise points in Add/Edit Garments items. c. Search on Card No. + Phone added in Add/Edit Customers. d. Points rate option added to Settings menu option. e. POS Invoice; added points printing on invoice. 2. Changed backup file from date to date time, so that multiple backups during a day are available separately. Ver 2.03 (Main/Server) ==================================== 1. Fixed a little bug in Sale+Profit report that caused software crash if Sale or Cost price is zero. Ver 2.02 (Point Of Sale) 30-10-2017 ==================================== 1. Previous invoice totals will be cleared automatically. 2. Added confirmation dialog on New Invoice Button and credit card sale option. 3. Added warning message for cash entered less than invoice amount. 4. Added View/Print oprtion for terminal data posting. 5. Minor Improvements. Ver 2.02 (Main/Server) 30-10-2017 ==================================== 1. Added Zebra 1.1" (3 stickers/line) label printing option on print labels form. 2. Added Deleted/Edited Invoices Option in Reports Menu. 3. Added Commission Items List in Reports Menu. 4. Added Stock & Sale Report (Color Wise) in Sale Reports. 5. Added Group Wise Purchase Report (Color/Size) in Reports Menu. 6. Added sorting option on Items List Report. 7. Added Supplier, Terminal, Store filters on Item Wise Sale Report. 8. Added Supplier, Terminal, Store filters on Item Wise Sale Return Report. 9. Added Store filter on Sale Invoices Report. 10. Added Supplier, Store filters on Item Wise Purchase Report. 11. Added Supplier, Store filters on Item Wise Purchase Return Report. 12. Minor Bug Fixes. Ver 2.01 (Main/Server) 18-07-2017 ==================================== 1. Added 2 stickers/line label printing option on print labels form. 2. Added 4 stickers/line label printing option on print labels form. 3. Added TSC 3 Stickers/line label printing option on print labels form. 4. Added search for sizes/colors on Add/Edit Garment Items. 5. Added item creation date on Add/Edit Garment Items. 6. Added supplier on department wise purchase report. 7. Added Discounted/Cut Priced Items filter on post sale discount. 8. Enabled purchase/sale price columns in grid for editing on size/color wise purchase. 9. Added Discounted/Cut Priced Items filter on size/color wise stock with pictures report. 10. Added supplier group option on Department Wise Purchase Report. 11. Added Group wise Sale (Size/Color) Report. 12. Added single Item filter on periodic sale discount. 13. Added Department Wise Sale Report. 14. Added monthly purchase/sale report. 15. Change form layout of cashbook and vouchers. 16. Minor bug fixes. Ver 2.00 (Point Of Sale) 31-03-2017 ==================================== 1. Added log option for deleted/cancelled sale items. 2. Added Image option in sale invoice. 3. Changed the layout of invoice form. 4. Added user right option for edit/delete invoice items. 5. Minor bug fixes. Ver 2.00 (Main/Server) 31-03-2017 ==================================== 1. Added deleted/cancelled sale items report. 2. Added attach Images option with items. 3. Added Size/Color Wise Stock Report with pictures. 4. Added Cut Prices items list report. 5. Added Discounted/Cut Priced Items check on size/color wise stock report. 6. Added Discounted/Cut Priced Items check on group wise sale report. 7. Added item stock option on barcode print form. 8. Added last purchase date on size/color wise stock report. 9. Added Sale Invoice Reprint option in reports. 10. Added invoice print edit option in sale invoice settings. 11. Changed the design of stock transfer report. 12. Added Supplier name on size/color wise stock report print. 13. Added size/color with items description on group wise sale report. 14. Minor bug fixes. Ver 1.06 (Point Of Sale) 15-02-2017 ==================================== 1. Added 3 decimal points in qty for sale in Grams/MilliLeters/MilliMeters. 2. Added remarks on sale invoice print. Ver 1.10 (Main/Server) 15-02-2017 ==================================== 1. Added Zebra TLP2844 (3 stickers per line) label printing option. 2. Added sale price change history option for garment/shoes items on Add/Edit Items form. 3. Added 3 decimal points in qty for sale in Grams/MilliLeters/MilliMeters. 4. Added sale discount filter on Items List Report. 5. Added MultiStore options in POS and Main Software. 6. Added barcode import from text file option on Stock Tranfer Form. 7. Added stock tranfer pricing mode option in settings. 8. Added qty total on stock transfer print. 9. Fixed error in average rate calculation in all stock reports. 10. Added TSC (2 stickers per line) label printing option. Ver 1.09 (Main/Server) 22-12-2016 ==================================== 1. Added a barcode printers list on Print Labels Form. 2. Added XP-360B barcode sticker settings on print labels form. 3. Added 5 stickers/line label printing option on print labels form. 4. Added edit option for 5 stickers/line file on label edit form. 5. Added Stock Summary report. 6. Added posted invoices summary option on terminal posting report. 7. Added Size/Color Wise Stock Report. 8. Removed duplicate Qty column from supplier wise sale Summary and Detail report. 9. Removed duplicate Qty column from Sale (cost+profit) Summary and Detail report. 10. Added Department Wise Purchase Report. 11. Added Terminal Posting Summary Report. 12. Added shortcut buttons on Mainscreen. 13. Added customize mainscreen buttons option in Management Menu. 14. Added Periodic Sale Discount Option in Management Menu. 15. Added Not Specified salesman option in salesman summary & detail reports. 16. Minor Bug Fixes. Ver 1.08 (Main/Server) 03-11-2016 ==================================== 1. Added Import barcodes from text file option on stock adjustment form. 2. Added Fast Invoicing Mode for purchase, enable it in software settings before scanning. 3. Added Order Forecast Report. 4. Added automatic order generation option on Purchase Order Form. 5. Added two new barcode printer settings on print labels form. 6. Added positive stock option on stock report. 7. Added default backup destination option on data backup form. 8. Added Training Videos on each form which can be viewed online with active internet connection. 9. Added User Manual online which can be downloaded from 10. Minor Bug Fixes. Ver 1.07 (Main/Server) 07-10-2016 ==================================== 1. Added Fast Invoicing Mode for stock adjustment, enable it in software settings before scanning. 2. Stock adjustment form can now be used for stock taking/auditing. 3. Added clear stock option on stock adjustment form with item wise filters. 4. Added profit percentage column in item list report print. 5. Added counter select option on item list report. 6. Added item wise filters on stock adjustment report. 7. Added negative stock filter on stock report. 8. Added counter select option on chart of accounts report. 9. Minor Bug Fixes. Ver 1.06 (Main/Server) 03-08-2016 ==================================== 1. Remarks on Size/Color wise Invoice will now be visible on print. 2. Added department wise grouping option on Stock Report. 3. Added detailed report option on Terminal Wise Sale Report which will splits sale day wise. 4. Added Card Wise Discount option on Customer Form. 5. Minor Bug Fixes. Ver 1.05 (Main/Server) 11-07-2016 ==================================== 1. Added Barcode label files edit option in Management Menu. 2. Added barcodes print option for 5 stickers per line. 3. Minor Bug Fixes. Ver 1.04 (Main/Server) 18-05-2016 ==================================== 1. Sale price changed from the purchase invoices are now shown on the sale price change report. 2. Added Type column on print of the sale price change report. 3. Minor Bug Fixes. Ver 1.03 (Main/Server) 07-05-2016 ==================================== 1. Added Commission Counters Selection option on Add/Edit grocery items. 2. Added Tabstop Enable/Disable option in Purchase Invoice. 3. Added Supplier Wise Sale report in Reports Menu. 4. Added Terminal Posting report in Reports Menu. 5. Added Supplier print of the group wise sale report. 6. Fixed date issue on the Salesman Commision Details Report. 7. Added total discount on Group Wise Sale Report. 8. Fixed some minor bugs. Ver 1.01 (Point Of Sale) 09-04-2016 ==================================== 1. Added Size/Color option to embeded with item Description, and it can be enabled from the software settings. 2. Now separated entries for return will be passed and will be visible on the Invoice & Print. Ver 1.02 (Main/Server) 09-04-2016 ==================================== 1. Added sticker printing option for Shoe Boxes on Barcodes Printing Form. 2. Enabled Amount column in Purchase Invoice, now unit price can be automatically calculated based on the amount. 3. Added Size/Color option to embeded with item Description, and it can be enabled from the software settings. 4. Added AutoComplete lists for group, department and brands on Add/Edit Items Form. 5. Added Salesmen commission posting option in Post Sale Discount Form. 6. Added Items Search list for the Size/Color Wise Purchase Invoice. 7. Lists of all items will now be displayed for the word search list types. 8. Added Item Description in the print of Size/Color wise Purchase Invoice. 9. Added Fast Invoicing Mode for stock transfer which can be enabled from software settings. Ver 1.01 (Main/Server) 28-03-2016 ==================================== 1. Stock adjustment entries are now passed in ledger. 2. Added Stock Adjustment Report. 3. Added expiry date option on purchase invoice. 4. Added Short Expiry Report. 5. Added User Authorization to restrict user from editing price on the Purchase Return Invoice. Ver 1.00 ==================================== Initial Version